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10 Best Books To Help You Create An Extra Side Income


For most people, the biggest obstacle to getting out of debt is accumulating enough funds to pay it off. While budgeting your existing income is a vital step to becoming financially free, this might not yield results as quickly as you’d like. This section lists titles which can help you develop supplemental streams of income so you can pay off your debts faster.

1. The Income Stream

By Robert M. Goodman
Designed as a comprehensive guide for identifying and utilizing real estate opportunities. Teaches you how to turn real estate into a lucrative form of passive income.

2. Never Work Again: Work Less, Earn More and Live Your Freedom

By Erlend Bakke
Provides tips and suggestions for creating a virtual online business and increasing your monthly income. Also teaches you how to automate your business so you have more free time.

3. The Millionaire Mindset: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Income

By Gerry Robert
Helps get you out of a “debt” mentality and provides techniques for preparing your mind to actively pursue a lucrative income. Covers topics such as marketing, business development, and goal planning.

4. The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job

By David Lindahl
Focuses on making a supplemental monthly income using online or virtual business techniques. The methods described are time-effective and can be worked around a day job.

5. Passive Income: How to Give up your Day Job and Put your Feet Up

By Ross Perry
Conveys a clear explanation of passive income and what it means for the average person. Teaches tips and tricks to make money even while you are asleep.

6. Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online This Month: A No-Nonsense, Practical, Step-by-Step Guide to Generating Online Income Now!

By Barb Asselin
Reveals 5 valid and realistic ways of making money online. Authored by best-selling author and college professor Barb Asselin.

7. 101 Best Extra-Income Opportunities for Women

By Jennifer Basye
This book is specifically designed for women and explains 101 ideas for turning hobbies or creative talent into a supplemental income stream.

8. If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?: A Guide to Investing Fundamentals

By Ben S. Branch
Teaches you how to maximize the potential of your existing income by intelligently locating profitable investments. Includes a list of do’s and don’ts, as well as an extensive glossary.

9. Running a Side Business: How to Create a Second Income

By Richard Stim
Includes helpful tips, success stories and legal information. This book also contains advice on picking a second-income opportunity that suits your personality.

10. The Monthly Income Machine – The One Best Investment Technique for Producing Monthly Income

By Lee Finberg
Details a systemic procedure designed to bring you a substantial monthly return from investments. Describes the methods used by the author for his personal investments.

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